The Origin

For the first time when I heard about being a programmer, I immediately fall in love with it. Doing things that make a computer do what exactly we tell is exciting. In the first year, I tried to code in the lab, assessed tasks from lab assistants and often roamed inside the lab just to help my friends solving the algorithm.

In my sophomore year, I switch my interest in graphic design. I did some design contests on some platforms hoping to earn some money. However, I naively took a break from college because of my innocent confidence. Unfortunately, I failed and never won a single penny. This made the entire college plan in chaos. I started again in the next semester, joined with my juniors.

I was back in doing code in the fourth year. Thinking that designing something has never become my strength and I gave up. Doing code for me was more necessary to graduate from college. I started learning PHP at first. A basic calculator from the input form. It was in 2017.

Becoming a Nerd

Alike a guy who meets his ex, the love of the past is blooming again. It only took me a couple of months to get my first intern and took another year to build a simple object recognition in java though it used an available library.

Shortly after, I graduated in 2018 and landed my first job four months after. I was being assistance for my lecturer's company. Helping to program a government project. After ten months of working, I resigned and joined a startup with my friend's referral. And hereby it started my journey working on Android professionally.